Dive into streaming: The best games to get you started

Dive into streaming: The best games to get you started

Hey there, future streamer! Wondering where to kick off your streaming saga? With so many games out there, picking the right one can feel overwhelming. Let's break down some of the coolest, stream-worthy games that are guaranteed to jazz up your channel and pull in the viewers, but also keeps the fun in gaming while streaming.

1. Valorant: A shooter like no other

First up, let's talk about Valorant. Ever tried it? It’s this tactical shooter that’s all about precision and smarts. The cool part? It's from the guys at Riot Games (yeah, those League of Legends creators!), and it’s got this neat blend of high-energy gunplay mixed with strategic team battles. You can spend countless hours getting those clutch plays for my viewers, get extra Valorant points and improve your game even more.

2. Fortnite: The game that never sleeps

Onto Fortnite now—seriously, who hasn’t at least heard of it? It’s the king of battle royales and for good reason. The game is always evolving, with new skins, weapons, and a map that changes more than changing your socks. Every session is a new story, which is perfect for keeping your streams fresh and engaging. Plus, pulling off those wild moves that get chat screaming is always a highlight.

3. Minecraft: Create, share, and connect

Now, for a change of pace, there’s Minecraft. It’s this open-world game where you can build just about anything from a tiny cottage to a massive fortress that looms over a landscape. It’s crazy how each world feels so personal. We love diving into sessions where you team up with viewers to build something epic or explore new terrains. Minecraft really lets your personality shine through, and it’s a magnet for a community that loves to chill and chat.

4. League of Legends: Think fast, but play smarter

We all have heard or played League of Legends before. It’s not just a game, it’s an ecosystem. With over a hundred champs to choose from, every match is a new puzzle to solve. It’s all about outsmarting the opposition and pulling off that game-winning strategy. Whether you’re into fast-paced skirmishes or prefer plotting out long-term tactics, League’s competitive scene is a goldmine for streamers who like to engage their audience with smart play-throughs and team-ups.

5. Call of Duty: High-octane thrills await

And of course we’ve got the legendary game, Call of Duty. This one’s for all you adrenaline junkies out there. CoD’s fast, it’s furious, and it delivers non-stop action that’s perfect for gripping viewing. Jump into a Warzone match, and every moment is a potential highlight reel. Plus, the CoD community is massive, so you’ll find plenty of fellow fans ready to join your ranks.

Your stream, so your rules

Keep in mind that choosing the right game to stream is all about finding what fits with you. Each game we’ve mentioned above, will bring something unique to the table, and there’s a community out there for everyone. So grab a game that you are interested in and fire up your streaming setup. The most important thing is to make some awesome memories together. Who knows? You could be the next big name in the streaming world. Let's get the fun started!