Can Twitch Affiliates Stream on Other Platforms?

Can Twitch Affiliates Stream on Other Platforms?

Yes, Twitch Affiliates are allowed to stream on other platforms like YouTube or Kick at the same time as streaming on Twitch. This practice, known as simulcasting, is available to all Twitch streamers, including Affiliates and Partners, unless they have a specific exclusive contract with Twitch.

Simulcasting Guidelines for Twitch Affiliates

While Twitch permits simulcasting, there are a few important guidelines you need to follow to ensure you're compliant with Twitch’s policies:

  • Maintain Quality: The viewing experience on Twitch must be at least equal to the quality on other platforms. You should actively engage with your Twitch audience, such as interacting with chat, to make sure they have a great experience.
  • Avoid Redirecting Viewers: Don’t encourage your Twitch audience to leave the platform by sharing links or directing them to your stream on other platforms. Twitch places high value on building and engaging its community, and keeping that interaction on the platform is a priority.
  • Separate Platform Features: It’s important not to use third-party services that merge chat or other features across platforms. This ensures that Twitch viewers can fully participate in your stream without missing out on any part of the experience.

By adhering to these rules, Twitch Affiliates can simulcast on multiple platforms while still fostering a positive and engaging Twitch community.

For more details, check out Twitch’s official Simulcasting Guidelines.